Is Bodycam Worth the Early Access? A Detailed Review

In the realm of multiplayer shooters, innovation is key to capturing players’ attention. Bodycam, developed by the Twers team at Resad Studio, attempts to carve out a niche with its unique concept of simulating gameplay through the lens of a police body cam. While the game boasts exceptional lifelike graphics and immersive environments, it falls short in certain critical areas during its early access phase.

The visual aesthetics of Bodycam are undoubtedly impressive. The attention to detail in textures, lighting effects, and level design creates a visually stunning experience for players. The game effectively conveys the vibe of actual police-style footage, enhancing the overall immersion for the players.

However, where Bodycam falters is in its gameplay design. The perspective from the body cam, while creative, poses challenges in competitive gameplay. Locating and shooting enemies becomes cumbersome due to the restricted view, leading to frustration rather than enjoyment. Additionally, the thematic disconnect of playing as law enforcement while using a body cam detracts from the overall experience, feeling more gimmicky than immersive.

Despite these shortcomings, Bodycam shines in its shooting mechanics. The pixel shooter style, where a single well-aimed bullet can decide the outcome of an encounter, adds a layer of strategy and anticipation to engagements. Clever positioning and anticipation play a significant role in winning battles, shifting the focus from raw shooter skills to tactical maneuvering.

In terms of game modes, Bodycam offers a variety of options, including Team Deathmatch and Bomb mode. While Team Deathmatch provides intense moments and tactical gameplay, other modes like standard Death Match fall short due to poor respawn mechanics and lack of tension. The game’s progression system, centered around a basic leaderboard and limited cosmetic options, leaves much to be desired in terms of player engagement.

In conclusion, while Bodycam shows promise as a multiplayer shooter with a unique perspective, it currently lacks the depth and polish needed for long-term enjoyment. Players are advised to wait for further development and improvements before fully engaging with the game.