Embark on an epic journey in Elden Ring to discover the mysterious Jagged Peak, a hidden gem waiting in the southern mountain region. The path to this elusive area is filled with challenges, battles, and secrets that will test your courage and skill.
To begin your quest to Jagged Peak, cross the Alec Great Bridge in the Grave-Site Plane, then navigate through Castle Incus and head south. Follow the winding road as it slopes upwards, past Mesmer Soldier Camp and glowing worm creatures, until you encounter a split in the path. Opt to go right, where a man lies screaming, and continue on to a series of dragon statues until you face an ancient dragon man in combat. Defeat this formidable foe and proceed to a mini dungeon, known as the Dragon Pit, where a special secret awaits.
Within the Dragon Pit, you will confront another ancient dragon man wielding a powerful Great Katana. Defeat this boss to earn the coveted weapon and unlock the gateway to Jagged Peak. Be prepared to face challenges and mysteries along the way, including a dragon communion site and a friendly dragon priest who will assist you in your quest to vanquish the dragon atop Jagged Peak.
Remember, the journey to Jagged Peak is not for the faint of heart. Courage, strategy, and perseverance are key to overcoming the obstacles that await. For more tips and guides on Elden Ring, explore our comprehensive resources on IGN’s Wiki and YouTube channels. Stay tuned for the latest updates on gaming news and strategies right here on IGN.