Assassin’s Creed Shadows Gives Players Two Unique Ways to Play | Summer Game Fest 2024

Assassin’s Creed Shadows, showcased at Summer Game Fest 2024, introduces players to two distinct gameplay styles within the Assassin’s Creed universe. The demo featured Yas, a formidable character on a mission, offering players the choice between a stealthy approach or a more aggressive, combat-focused playstyle. The demo highlighted the contrast between playing as Yas, using … Read more

Exploring the Exciting Features of Monster Hunter Wilds Unveiled at Summer Game Fest 2024

The latest unveiling of Monster Hunter Wilds at Summer Game Fest 2024 has left fans astounded with its groundbreaking features. The game director showcased 30 minutes of raw gameplay, highlighting significant advancements that set this installment apart from its predecessors. One of the standout features is the seamless transition between the town and the expansive … Read more