7 Tips to Survive the Intense Horror of “Level Zero Extraction”

“Level Zero Extraction” is a heart-pounding horror-themed FPS game that will leave you on the edge of your seat. With the premise of gathering loot and extracting in an Antarctic research facility, players face not only rival teams but also player-controlled vicious aliens and new environmental hazards like roaming sentry turrets and zombie AI creatures. … Read more

Bodycam Proves Graphics Aren’t Everything: A Deep Dive into Unreal Engine 5 FPS Experience

In the realm of FPS gaming, realism and immersion have always been highly sought after qualities. The allure of stepping into a virtual world that mimics reality is powerful, captivating gamers and developers alike. One game that aims to push the boundaries of visual fidelity and realism is Bodycam, a project that showcases the capabilities … Read more